Yet Another DataTables Column Filter - (yadcf) example

Some Data Single Time Yes / No Range Time Tags
Some Data 1 08:03 Yes 08:03 Tag1Tag2
Some Data 2 23:43 No 23:43 Tag1Tag3
Some Data 2 14:13 No 14:13 Tag1Tag3
Some Data 2 06:03 No 06:03 Tag1Tag3
Some Data 2 19:04 No 19:04 Tag1Tag3
Usage(on this page example):
						$(document).ready(function () {
						    'use strict';
					    	//note that this is the old yadcf API for init the filters 
					    	//new init function should be used when working with new Datatable (capital "D" API)
					    	//for new init function see:
									column_number: 1,
									filter_type: "date",
									datepicker_type: 'bootstrap-datetimepicker'
									date_format: 'HH:mm'
									column_number: 3,
									filter_type: "range_date",
									datepicker_type: 'bootstrap-datetimepicker'
									date_format: 'HH:mm'